Saturday, December 11, 2010


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms or 三国演义 or 三國誌 was written by Luo GuanZhong.

The storyline takes place back when honor, bravery and compassion meant everything to a man. I especially liked it when I know martial skills rule in a place like that :P

No more... Oei you stare what stare.. "Hiiiaaaaaaa chop chop", the ah beng's head roll on the floor. Bwuahahahah!

I buay song you... so I call my number to come chop and slash you.. mine is 246!.. call your number lar, you @#$%%^.. oh yeah I call my number is 999!!! Ha Ha Ha you #$%^^%$.

Hmmpf.. yeah..... rrrrightttt.....

I mean life nowadays is such that we live and regard everything around us as if life were better, way back then... much.. much better.

No meh?

Ok let me explain in my context.

First you have to know one of my many life's principles - A day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father (一天为师, 终身为父). I guess I am old-fashion that way.

Back in the old days of Okinawan karate masters, when they have to walk from their village to Kyoto, they walked...

Now we have taxi, car, bus, bicycle..etc etc... Ok ok, my point is, for somethings there are no shortcuts. My sensei Mr Wong used to say to me, there are no shortcuts, everything depends on your hardwork and your homework.. and in my own intepretations, overtime... never overnight.

I miss my training.. the act of training under someone who will provide guidance and tutalage to me doing something I am good at. I find myself at the other end of being the teacher now after all these years of studying. I will always be a student, there is always something I am learning from my teacher after all these years. So aware of that, I find that my students will always find lessons in what I teach, or some of my rather non-lesson lessons. I just hope I can live up to their expectations as I try to live up to my teacher's expectations.

That's just how life is, a series of histories and stories or learning and unlearning, just hoping that we will break out of that circle and not let history repeat itself. Achieving that, I think is already one of the great things I would have done with my life.

*Finding myself in a blabbering mood/post.. lmao

Yours sincerely,

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