Thursday, June 19, 2008

Needing a miracle to happen

I need a miracle to happen.. like this picture. Who would have ever thought that I will carry my nephew Gareth on my lap one day...He so small, so damn cute lor...sigh~

I have exactly 8 days before my big day - my dan upgrading.

Certain emotions are running high in my life now.... stressed, depressed, anger, disappointment, regret... mostly disappointment.

Anyway, which ever angle you look at it, to recover from a MCL injury to full functionality within 19 days is POSSIBLE. Either that or I MUST believe it is.. so that IT WILL BECOME SO for me in 8 days.

The swelling has gone down a fair bit since the first day, but internally it is still swelling otherwise I will not be feeling these FR**KING pain!!

Since Monday, I have been feeling stray firing of pain shooting through my knee joints... hmm, that means my nerve endings are alive...
-sic Dr Frankenstein

I am still hobbling, although I can bend my knee joints at right angles already and apply strength to it, but it still hurts. For those who will take reference from this blog on self treatment of minor knee MCL injury, this is what I am self-administering:

DANZEN (Serratio peptidase) - 10mg, 2 tabs, cute itsy bitsy lil pills

FASTUM (active ingredient ketoprofen) - 5cm, external only, contrary to stupid beliefs ingesting it does not help to work faster although it DOES kill you AND take away the pain

TRADITIONAL CHINESE KOYOK (too many to list)- 2 pieces per day, anymore and it will cause my skin to itch and hair to grow in places where they don't belong...

KNEE GUARDS - 2 to rotate daily,
so that I can wash the other one and let it air eeeeeee

Self-administered physio-theraphy:

1) Walking the stairs.. SLOOOOWLY...
*(Although this part of the theraphy involves a lot of @#$%$# cursing and swearing because I will be in constant pain...)

~Word of advice: Don't get injured lor... bummer

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