Friday, June 27, 2008

The Chronicles of KarTia (Leg-pain) - The grading and the examiners

Sensei T. Arai

Sensei K. Sakamoto

Sensei K. Kawata

Sensei Y. Morooka

Sensei George Tan

Sensei Wong Tuang Seng

Hmm...I have not idea whether I pass of fail for my grading... only time will tell....
But I must definitely thank Mr Seow Kwee Yong for all his expertise and help in getting my knee to heal in time for the grading. Although it must have been quite distracting for him, he still tried his best to help me mend my knee.. :) Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

Katon, Goukakyu no jutsu.

Anonymous said...

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.