Sunday, June 15, 2008


A knee... a knee...
My kingdom for a knee...
I wonder if I should withdraw from the grading....
It should heal in time.... shouldn't it?

But enough of this defeatist talk... I don't like to post this kinda of talk on this blog...

Starting today I am going to start a whole new series of crappy topics starting with ROBERT PREDICTS... LOL Hope you like it...

Robert predicts: The Top Ten likely questions from the grading examiners:
1) Why is your face like that?
2) Why are you so fat?
3) What do you do when someone insults you about your mother?
4) Can you go lower? (Refering to cat stance and shiko dachi)
5) How come you shout so softly?
6) "...your dogi is very dirty..."
7) Wong san, is this your student?...""
8) You! *pointing to a brown belt* Go home!!
9) In this bunkai, you think we can get some yakuza to attack them?... No?
10) Start with your left! Right! No, no, I said your left. Yes that's right. No. Left. Right. Lef.... you still think karate begins and ends with respect? I think it begins and ends with the language barrier.. LOL

Remember to bring your fistgaurds and wear a CLEAN DOGI down for your grading.

Good luck and till my next blog.. ~out

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