Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Casting for Commercial!!!

Oooooo! Oooooo! How exciting!!! I hope I get call up for casting tomorrow morning! Thats the first step. Then If...IF they like me, then I get to be on a commercial leeeeeh.... Wooo hooo!... Cross your fingers and wish me luck!

Oh yar..if you were wondering what kinda of commercial, well, its the TV kind and erm...they wanted me to do a FLYING KICK!... YAR.. I know if Seow is reading this.. He will call me and go.. "Oei! Sim! Your knee like that you still want to FLY ah!??"

Ok lar, I know ..I know.. but If I can heal in 19 days for my grading, I can heal in 10 days for my commercial shoot right... hor?...

I damn (Hokkien) Gien Pung - Desperate for rice... I WANT TO HAVE A TVC UNDER MY PORTFOLIO... I WANT...I WANT....

I WANT!!!!

ok.... tomorrow morning must ask Mr Wong to see if I can go... Wahahahahaha!

**Supplementary Blog: Oh, it was not for a TVC.. how disappointing, STILL, a print ad is as good as any.. Bwahahaha

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